9 years
As a practising Chartered Certified Accountant
31 years
As a practising Independent Financial Adviser
40 years
Of experience in:
Professional Financial Advice focusing on matters involving Special Needs, Personal Injury, Later Life, the Court of Protection & Trusts
Establishing & building successful interprofessional relationships with Lawyers & Accountants
Setting up, building, leading & managing Independent Financial Advice firms
BA Hons Accountancy & Economics
Chartered Certified Accountant FCCA
Chartered Financial Planner
Chartered FSCI
Certified Financial Planner
Trust & Estate Practitioner TEP
SOLLA Accredited Later Life Adviser LLAA
Investment Management Certificate
And technical backup on matters involving Special Needs, Personal Injury, Later Life, the Court of Protection & Trusts
I am currently in the process of organising my retirement from my firm through an Internal Succession. This Document sets out my thoughts on how to do it through either a Management Buyout or an Employee Ownership Trust.
I hope at some point, with the agreement of my colleagues, I'll be able to add an Appendix explaining how we've built our firm and enabled me to exit, with the same lump sum I'd have received by selling to a Consolidator, without causing any disruption to our clients, professional introducers, team or proposition, whilst also creating an equity opportunity for a next generation and a long term future for our Independent firm.
But, in the meantime ....
I offer it free of charge in the hope it inspires other IFA Principals to follow the same route to retirement and helps show them a way.
If you do find it valuable I'd be very grateful if you'd reflect that by donating whatever amount you feel appropriate to:
Brainwave which really helps unlock the potential of children who have special needs https://brainwave.org.uk/
The Williams Syndrome Foundation which does great work supporting people who have the same genetic disorder as my son, and their families https://williams-syndrome.org.uk/
Thanks and best wishes
Dave Robinson
Business Consultant
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